Native American stories for children

The idea or experiment was to set up meetings during the Christmas period inside the former Piermarini theater in Foligno where Santa’s house was set up, where I could tell stories about Native Americans to children. Starting perhaps from the myths and legends of creation and then space on culture and spirituality and other curiosities. The organizer and creator Cristiana Mariani, always attentive to these issues, gave me carte blanche and for this reason, in addition to the stories and myths I also brought moti objects with which to chat and dialogue with the children. Result? Extraordinary, children who stopped around me, in a circle to see the pictures, questions about questions about Lakota, about horses and bison, about their traditions and more. It was a new thing for me because the first time I brought such a dear topic to such a small audience, but I have to say that the formula was very successful and for this I thank Cristiana Mariani who gave me the opportunity. Now in the pipeline there is something ongoing on this front …

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